
INsPIRE final event: project legacy and sustainability

The INSPIRE project, after 4 years of implementation, arrived towards its end. To celebrate the work of the Consortium over the project timeline, a final project event was scheduled for January 11th 2023. The final meeting was organized as a broad event. to present the project, the latest activities completed, and above all to share considerations on the potential benefits that […]

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Field visit at the University of Siena and Evora: 34 Iraqi colleagues on the move

As the final step of the Capacity Building action for the benefit of Iraqi universities, some study visits have been arranged. In November 2022, 30 academic staff members from Iraqi universities and 4 respresentatives from the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Resaearch participated in a circular field visit at two of the EU […]

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Call for tender: ICT supply for the INsPIRE project

In the framework of the project INsPIRE, coordinated by the University of Siena, UNIMED has launched a tender procedure to select a provider able to supply ICT materials (see Tenders Specifications) to be delivered to the following Universities in Iraq: University of Mosul, University of Baghdad, University of Basrah, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Sumer University, Al-Qasim Green University, University of Basrah Oil and […]

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Study visits at European Universities as the final step of the training of iraqi staff

To complete the Capacity Building action, along with the online webinars and workshops, and the virtual training on university management, Iraqi staff members will visit European universities and deepen their understanding on how the European institutions function. Visits are meant to be 2-days training study visits at European Universities (Siena, Evora and Istanbul Aydin), to follow-up and show the […]

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Training week on internationalisation strategies and planning, hosted by the University of Bologna for Iraqi universities

On May 16th to 20th, staff members from 10 Iraqi universities together with the representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq have been hosted by the University of Bologna, Italy, for an intensive Training Week “Design internationalisation plans for universities”  to jointly work on strategic planning for internationalisation activities, , in the framework of […]

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Much was achieved, we are ready to look ahead!

Year 2021 was very challenging for all of us, personally and professionally, still coping with the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic but also loking forward to a new normal. 2021 was a rich and fruitful year for our INsPIRE project, a year of milestones, dialogue, activities and renewed cooperation. 2021 was full of expectations, hopes, […]

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Iraqi universities engaged in Capacity Building on governance, quality assurance and accountability, based on the Report on the Higher Education sector in the country

For the first time in their academic history 10 Iraqi universities, partners of the INsPIRE project, are now involved altogether in a structural Capacity Building action. The INsPIRE project aims to support, through the cooperation of European institutions, the rebuilding, modernization, and internationalization of the governance system of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Iraq, with a specific focus on […]

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The Capacity Building action has just started!

Following the publication of the Report on the State of the Art of the Iraqi Higher Education system and its governance, and the identifications of the needs and priorities for the Iraqi Higher Education Institutions, a cycle of training webinars just started. The capacity building action is meant to develop skills and capacities of the […]

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INsPIRE Tender Procedure for the appointment of the External Evaluator

An External Evaluator for the project needs to be appointed, which will work together with the WP6 Leaders and the Quality Committee, for the assessment of the INsPIRE activities and results from an external point of view. The Evaluator must be an external person in respect to the Consortium Partners and an open call has […]

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Report on the Iraqi Higher Education system and its governance developed in the framework of the project.

The INsPIRE project, Innovative Governance Practices in the Higher Education Institutions in Iraq, aims to support, through the cooperation of European institutions, the rebuilding, modernization, and internationalization of the governance system of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Iraq with a specific focus on planning and programming systems. The first step of the project was therefore to […]

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جامعة القاسم الخضراء تشارك في اجتماع ممثلية الاتحاد الاوربي ضمن مشروع ايراسموس

شاركت جامعة القاسم الخضراء مع ممثلية الاتحاد الاوربي و اتحاد الجامعات الاوسطية في اجتماع التقييم الذاتي للجامعات العراقية ضمن مشروع ايراسموس بلس وترأس ممثلية جامعة القاسم الخضراء رئيس جامعة القاسم الخضراء الاستاذ الدكتور حسن كاطع العوادي وبحضور مساعدي رئيس الجامعة للشؤون العلمية والادارية ورؤساء الاقسام الادارية والعلمية في رئاسة الجامعة وتنسيقية جامعة القاسم الخضراء بالاتحاد […]

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Iraqi Universities performing a self-assessment on institutional governance

In the framework of the project INsPIRE, Innovative governance practices in the Higher Education Institutions in Iraq, the 10 Iraqi universities of the Consortium are about to perform a self-assessment on governance, that is an evaluation of key governance dimensions through the perceptions of the staff working at the university in strategic positions. Each university will engage 8 to 10 staff members […]

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INsPIRE showcased as a Best Practice by EACEA at the Grant Holders Meeting 2021

This year edition of the Grant Holders Meeting for the Capacity Building projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union has been scheduled online from the 25th to the 29th of January 2021. The event foresees also a number of so-called e-Booth, to share relevant information on other ongoing initiatives to foster synergies […]

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Iraqi Universities engaged in the focus groups on governance and autonomy

On 18-19-20 of January 2021, the Iraqi Universities partners of the INsPIRE project virtually met for a number of Focus Groups on governance and autonomy of Higher Education Institutions in Iraq. The virtual focus groups were organized and coordinated by UNIMED, with the support of the University of Siena and the University of Evora, and with the active participation […]

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مشاركة كلية هندسة الموارد المائية في مشروع برنامج ايراسموس

شاركت جامعة القاسم الخضراء  عبر ممثلها التدريسي في كلية هندسة الموارد المائية الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور حيدر دبس في الاجتماع الدولي لمشروع ايراسموس والذي يديره الاتحاد الأوربي يوم الاربعاء بحضور ممثلي عدة جامعات اوروبية من دول ايطاليا واسبانيا والبرتغال ودول البحر المتوسط وعدد من الجامعات العراقية .  ومن جانبه ذكر دبس ان الاجتماع كان مكملا لسلسلة اجتماعات […]

اقرأ أكثر
مشاركة كلية هندسة الموارد المائية في مشروع برنامج ايراسموس

شاركت جامعة القاسم الخضراء  عبر ممثلها التدريسي في كلية هندسة الموارد المائية الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور حيدر دبس في الاجتماع الدولي لمشروع ايراسموس والذي يديره الاتحاد الأوربي يوم الخميس بحضور ممثلي عدة جامعات اوروبية من دول ايطاليا واسبانيا والبرتغال ودول البحر المتوسط وعدد من الجامعات العراقية . ومن جانبه ذكر دبس ان برنامج ايراسموس موندوس هو […]

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UNIMED’s participation in the Global Forum on Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and the Future of Democracy // Strasbourg, 20-21 June 2019

(Rome, 10 July 2019) “Education, including higher education, is responsible for advancing and disseminating knowledge and developing ethical and able citizens. Education is key to developing, maintaining, and sustaining a culture of democracy without which democratic laws, institutions, and elections cannot function in practice: education furthers and supports a set of attitudes and behaviours that […]

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Reforming the Iraqi university governance system: the Iraqi challenge

(Rome, 12 March) Ten Iraqi Universities, the participation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq, the collaboration of EU universities from Portugal (Evora University), Turkey (Aydin Istanbul University) and Italy (Bologna University) with the participation of UNIMED under the coordination of Siena University: the big challenge of reforming the university governance […]

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