
WP1 Update of need analysis

  • Preliminary desk research, collection of relevant data – completed
  • Identification of stakeholders – completed
  • Identification of existing governance frameworks and best practices – completed
  • Design and preparation of a diagnostic tool – completed
  • Self-evaluation for a final assessment study – completed

WP2 Training and capacity building activities for internal staff in quality assurance and strategic planning

  • Designing of training content and programme – completed
  • Development of training methodology and didactic material – completed
  • Selection of training participants – completed
  • Implementation of online training for universities in Iraq – completed
  • Preparation and organisation of training study visits at EU Universities (Siena, Evora and Aydin Istanbul Universities) – performed in November 2022 for Siena and Evora, in January 2023 as a virtual event for IAU – completed
  • Organizing and conducting capacity building activities in Iraq (training field missions in Basrah and Baghdad Universities) – Adapted due to the covid-19 rescrictions into online workshops – completed
  • Organisation of ToT at local level – partially completed

WP3 Implementation of changes and best practices through action plans

  • Development of a specific action plan for each HEI in Iraq – completed
  • Piloting the Implementation of the action plans in each Iraq HEIs – not achieved
  • Drawing up of a general guideline handbook for strategic planning and governance for HEIs – completed
  • Assessing and refining the governance framework at each university – partially completed

WP4 Modernization of Iraqi HEIs International Relations Strategies

  • Tailor modelling of the WP according to WP1 outcomes – completed
  • Selection of training participants – completed
  • Organisation of the trainings at University of Bologna – completed
  • Definition of a modern university international relation strategic plan in each Iraqi partner completed
  • Organisation of a national workshop at national level – not achieved

WP5 Launching of consultative centre in HEIs to coordinate University, state and not-state actor

  • Definition of the strategy for the creation of a consultative centre in each university for a better coordination of university and non-university actors completed
  • Organisation of a National Consultative workshop to define the creation of consultative centre – not achieved
  • Creation and launching of the consultative centre in each HEI in Iraq – completed

WP6 Project Quality and Evaluation

  • Definition of Quality Committee – completed
  • Definition of Quality Plan – completed
  • Internal evaluation: evaluation of the quality of each deliverable for WP and suggested improvements – completed
  • External evaluation: Preparation of quality report (mid-term and final reports) – completed

WP7 Dissemination and Exploitation

  • Design of the dissemination and exploitation plan – completed
  • Creation and management of the Project website – completed
  • Preparation of dissemination Materials – completed
  • Deployment of Dissemination and Sustainability Campaign – not achieved
  • Organisation of the final Conference, organized virtually on January 11, 2023 completed

WP8 Management

  • Operative and financial management – completed
  • Performing of plenary and virtual meetings – completed