What is a workshop?

Is a group of participants engaged in an intensive discussion and practical activities in a particular subject or topic. The groups were organised to discuss and explore the subject in dept and examine real-case scenarios.

Purpose of the workshops

Promote a stronger discussion and perform hand-on activities in a specific topic. The workshop focuses on practical learning activities to increase the individual knowledge and technical competencies of each participants.

After they attended the training seminars, set as in-depth lectures on the topics, workshops aim to provide a different perspective and a more practical approach to the topic, with examples and good practices.

Objective of the workshops

  • Develop capacities of strategic leaders, top management, and critical staff in the 4 pillars of the project.
  • Increase skills for action on the 4 core topics of the project, empowering the Iraqi university staff leaders and members.
  • Develop competences for the critical staff and knowledge for the leaders.
  • Increase the internal capacity for governance, management, and implementation plans on the universities.

Target groups

  • University leaders in charge of defining the institutional strategy and the strategic planning.
  • Academic and administrative staff.
  • Middle management involved in Quality Assurance processes, institutional management, financial and administration processes, activities related to the university’s Third Mission and social role, etc.
  • The project focal points.
  • The future trainers which at each Iraqi Partner institution will deliver the local Training of Trainers.

Workshops schedule

Workshop 1 – Quality Assurance by Istanbul Aydin University. Date: 15/11/2021 from 10.00 to 12.00 Iraqi time

Workshop 2 – Accountability and Management orientation for results by the University of Siena. Date: 18/11/2021 from 10.00 to 12.00 Iraqi time

Workshop 3 – University Social Responsibility and Third Mission by the University of Bologna. Date: 23/11/2021 from 10.00 to 12.00 Iraqi time

Workshop 4 – Governance and Leadership by the University of Evora. Date: 25/11/2021 from 10.00 to 12.00 Iraqi time

How to join

  • The workshops were held on Zoom Platform.
  • The links to join were made available in the PDF file.
  • Please note that registration is needed. After registration, participants will receive the actual link to join the virtual room.

Workshop plan

  • Number of participants per university: 4 to 6 staff members and leaders, working on the area of the workshop in the university
  • Number of hours: between 2 to 3 hours
  • Local/place: online
  • Activities orientation
    • Lectures (15 minutes max)
    • Text reading (short documents)
    • Group activities per university or per specific areas
    • Debate
    • Preparation of a final report on the outcomes of the session

Workshop activities flow

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