In the framework of the project INsPIRE, coordinated by the University of Siena, UNIMED has launched a tender procedure to select a provider able to supply ICT materials (see Tenders Specifications) to be delivered to the following Universities in Iraq: University of Mosul, University of Baghdad, University of Basrah, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Sumer University, Al-Qasim Green University, University of Basrah Oil and Gas, Al Karkh University for Science, Southern Technical University, Wasit University.
INsPIRE seeks to achieve good governance practices in the HE sector in Iraq, including institutional values such as autonomy, accountability, participation, internationalisation and well-structured management systems to ensure high-quality performance of universities and a solid strategic planning process. The project is funded in the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE Programme of the European Union, Project number 598790-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.
Call published: 01/08/2022
Deadline for submission: 30/08/2022
The Call for Tender and the Tender Specifications are available here: https://www.uni-med.net/call-for-tender-ict-supply-for-the-inspire-project/