The third training webinar of the INsPIRE project was scheduled for September 9th. The focus of the webinar was quality in higher education. Speaker at the webinar was Prof. Funda Şerifoğlu, Founder Rector of Düzce University, member of the Turkish Higher Education Quality and Accreditation Council.
The session was introduced by Paulo Resende da Silva from the University of Evora, and by Celal Nazım İrem from Istanbul Aydin University, and was attended by +60 Iraqi colleagues, including Rectors, Vice-Rectors, academic staff members, the project focal points and more. In addition, the session was promoted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to other universities in the country, therefore involving participants also from institutions outside the Consortium.
Quality is a dynamic concept […] Quality depends on the context. I mean, the institution itself, its mission, vision, strategic goals, the environment, the international environment, so everything related to the context changes the definition of the quality. Quality is a multi dimensional concept. It’s not a one time job actually.
“You have to have your strategic plan to have a sound quality assurance system, and the plan should be in compliance with the declared quality policy principles of the university.”
Advisor to the President of Board of the Trustees of Istanbul Aydın University (2019 onwards), Team Leader at the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (2016 onwards), Member of the Unit on Women Studies at the Higher Education Council of Turkey (2015 onwards), Founding President of TULIP – Turkey Leadership Improvement Program (2012 onwards), Founding Rector of Duzce University Turkey (2007-2015), Founding President of Duzce Technopark (2011-20159, Founding President of IWF Turkey, a regional branch of global IWF (International Women’s Forum) across 6 continents and 7000+ members (2013-2016), Dean of the School of Engineering, Istanbul Bilgi University (2015-2017).