The Capacity Building action of INsPIRE included a virtual training on Moodle, with synchronous and asynchronous sessions for a total of 45 hours of training, performed between December 15h and January 21st.

The online training was hosted in the online training platform of UNIMED available here:

The training was directed to: middle management (service directors and other administrative staff, rectorate staff, positions in the general management of the university), administrative staff at Faculty level, leaders of special areas.

INsPIRE Training on University Management

The aim of the virtual training was to develop knowledge, capacities, and skills for the management in the universities. The focus will be on university governance and university management.

The training was oragnised and delivered by the University of Evora. Main trainer was Paulo Resende da Silva, with the support of Maria Eduarda Miranda.

Main areas of training will be:

  1. An Idea of University
  2. University general concepts
  3. The university general mission areas: the four pillars
  4. Management process of the University pillars:
    1. Strategy focus
    2. Administrative focus
    3. Process management
  5. The organisation development system:
    1. Leadership
    2. Academic Culture
    3. Governance structure model
  6. Management system:
    1. Human resources management
    2. Financial management
    3. Quality management
    4. Information system management

Course plan

The training was structured as a mix of synchronous and asynchronous lectures, video, resources and reading materials to be consulted. Some activities were also included for trainees to work autonomously.

Plan: from 15th of December 2021 until 21st January 2023, for 45 hours in total.

The full plan is available HERE.

Calendar of synchronous sessions

  • Session 1 – December 20, 2021
  • Session 2 – December 23, 2021
  • Session 3 – December 28, 2021
  • Session 4 – December 30, 2021
  • Session 5 – January 4, 2022
  • Session 6 – January 6, 2022
  • Session 7 – January 11, 2022
  • Session 8 – January 13, 2022
  • Session 9 – January 18, 2022



Extra Resources


Here is a sample of the proposed activities.

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